The Wheel of Nature Writing Workshop
The Wheel of Nature Writing Workshop is currently taking a break. It ran successfully on a weekly basis from Sept 2020-Dec 2021. See below for a flavour of Emma’s most recent facilitating work and please contact Emma for updates.
In this workshop we explore the Wheel of Nature using creative writing and other nature-based and healing practices. Building a stronger relationship with natural cycles and elements, we create poetry, prose, journalling and/or life story, deepening connection with ourselves and nature, and developing a nurturing and enriching writing practice.

Every week we explore an aspect of the wheel of nature drawing from:
– the four directions east, south, west, north
– the seasons and their festivals
– the elements of air, fire, water and earth
– times of day and night
– the moon cycles
– landscape, animals, birds and trees
– cycles of birth, life, death and re-birth

We use creative and reflective writing plus other practices including connecting with the elements wherever you are, using resources you have at home and making ceremony. All exercises are accessible whatever your location or circumstances.
In every 2 hour workshop there is time offline to be with your own creative and reflective process.
We finish each session online together, cultivating careful listening and sharing skills such as the ancestors practiced, story-telling around the fire.

The workshop provides a space for creativity and self-nurture. No writing experience is necessary.
– Develop a writing practice that encourages and supports well-being, self-expression and personal insight
– Restore balance and alignment with naturally turning circles
– Gather resources to use again to be creative and support yourself

Each workshop stands alone. Come to one, a block of 3 or 4, or as often as you like. See the Schedule below for topics.
Your first workshop is free! After that each session is Pay As You Feel £10-£15. This includes the session, plus emailed resources to use again.
Each workshop is 2 hours including time offline.
You will need to be able to use Zoom on a computer or smartphone. You will need paper and pen or other writing resources at home.
The Wheel of Nature Writing Workshop takes place online on Thursday 1pm-3pm (UK time).

‘I used to write poems when I was working but hadn’t given myself space or time to continue for over a decade. I couldn’t seem to find inspiration or motivation. When lockdown started I felt the urge to write again but wasn’t sure how to go about it. Finding these workshops was a godsend. It helped that the topics were important to me. Now the flow is back and I feel that I am no longer vegetating but using my brain and imagination again.
My confidence in my writing ability has been boosted. I am now enjoying writing again and am confident in sharing my thoughts with others. Mentally I feel alive again which has been a boon in lockdown. My mind feels more alert and I am even more aware of and reacting to nature and the environment. Words are flowing again and it feels good.’
Sue Wood, Todmorden

Other participants’ comments
‘I enjoy the chance to go within, reflect, discover new depths, associations with nature outside my awareness.’
‘A real opportunity to get my writing going without any pressure. Somehow I have been able to access a really safe creative place during the workshops which I value highly.’
‘I am gaining trust in my creative writing process, and inspiration to keep going.’
‘The workshop feels very safe and accepting. Amazingly so. I so enjoy reading my work to my surprise!’
‘I like it being self-contained so I can miss one without feeling left out.’
‘It’s gentle – nourishing yet challenging in a supportive way that brings out the best in you.’

Poem created in the Workshop
Mother Moon
Creator of blossom,
Soft, fragile, fleeting,
Holding the promise and potential
Of fruition.
Life giver, enricher of earth,
Making light that which is dark.
Goddess of seer and prophet,
Dreamer and visionary,
Artist and poet.
Riding the currents of
Stars bubbling in the flowing waters,
Drawing all things into being.
Reflecting our dreams and longings,
Manifesting our desires,
Calling us home.
© Kathleen Litherland 2021

The Wheel of Nature Writing Workshop is currently taking a break.
To enquire please email